Who: House, Claire, Townspeople
What: Faith Healing.
When: Early Day 1.
Warnings: None
House is dressed in a dark, respectable, modest suit cut to fit the times. It isn't particularly fancy. He's sitting in a wooden chair, in the center of a wooden platform serving as his stage outdoors, some short distance from the carnival. A cane leans against the arm of his chair.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I implore you to turn your eyes from the garish carnal display that draws you to gape at the poor and unfortunate. Those people, those creatures of God should raise their eyes to the Lord and seek his divine mercy! Instead, deformed and wretched, they parade their twisted flesh for the curious masses. Pray for these souls. Pray to God that they may find some salvation in Our Lord."
There's a pause as House brings his hands together to pray, thumbs pressed against the bridge of his nose. His eyes close. His arms are not relaxed, they are tense and taut, and he is pressing his hands together with some force.
"Ladies and gentleman… I come not just to urge you to turn from vice and seek God, no, I have come to share with you the Grace of God. Eleven years ago, something happened to me. Pain beyond reason, beyond measure, became my constant companion. I turned from the Lord, then. Yes. I blamed God for my pain. I became crippled. I was unable to walk without a cane, and many were the day I could not move, could not stand. And I cursed the Lord for making me that way. But, friends, see me here today!"
At this, House stands from his chair with ease. It is clear he does not need the cane. Some among the crowd gasp.
"You see, I can stand. I can walk." And he does so. He paces the front of the small, raised wooden stage.
"But, friends, can you see my folly? Can you see that this," he puts his hands on his thighs and leans into the crowd, looking earnestly out at them, posed like a man preparing to run, "is how the Lord has made me. He has made me whole, He has healed my pain. What once was twisted flesh and hard muscle is smooth and alive again, thanks to Him! It is not God who makes us sick, friends, no. It is God that makes us whole, if we only lift our hearts up to Him.
"Who among you today is prepared to come forward and allow me to be an instrument of God's love for you? Who among you is sick, perhaps dying, with some unknown disease that baffles the physicians? Come forward so that with faith you might be lifted into God's hands and your body be healed, as well as your soul, healed through His love."
House is looking for takers. But what is the truth and where is the lie? The lie is his words. House is conning them. Everyone comes into this life with a gaping hole, an empty need that can never be filled, and yet the yearning is so great. If there is promise that need might be sated, what might a person be willing to do? Be willing to part with? House has a situation planned. Someone he has planted in the crowd and is going to "heal" with the power of God's love.
It's a set up. God doesn't come around here anymore. People will give anything to ignore that truth.
((OOC: uhhhh, so I'm a moron and had this formatted like spam. Sorry, everyone, I'm a derp. Also, House is on the carnies' side. He's working with Claire, he's like a covert con artist faith healer person.))