Everybody has the perfect solution....

May 01, 2010 02:08

Who: Sark, Ana, and probably Leia later.
What: The most ineffective Barge escape attempt ever.
When: Second day of flood, after 47 triggers the heck out of Sark.
Where: I don't know. A corridor or something.

Julian was practically shaking when he finally found the courage to leave his cabin, still surprised that the doors weren't locked. The words still rang unpleasantly in his ears, a harsh reminder of everything he'd known about himself. Irina had changed those things though. She took an unwanted child and was making him into something better.

He'd simply have to make her proud and prove that he was worth something to her, that he wouldn't be cast aside.

Finding a weapon was difficult and he settled for swiping a fork from the kitchen- a hardly effective weapon, but it would suffice. That done, he crept through the halls, hoping to find someone to interrogate and kill and secure his release from this prison.

julian sark, ana lewis/the baroness

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