Who: Martha, Five (I think), Koschei, Theta (I think), Ushas,
What: Rescuing baby Mastah from the cells.
When: First day of the flood?
Where: Zero.
Warnings: Probably not.
After waiting to hear if Jack was going to let the Master out (he wasn't) Martha had already told Theta and Ushas that she would do it. Really, she couldn't see leaving a kid (even if it was a kid version of the Master) sitting in a cell for adults, especially when he had probably already been in there for days on end. When one added in the fact that she had seen how the Doctor had weeped over him and the comment that Koschei had made about him and Theta traveling together forever, she couldn't help but have her heart go out to him.
Her steps were quick as she paused outside zero, waiting to see if Ushas or Theta showed up and wanted to come with her.
[OOC: So LJ's going down at 12 PST, which is an hour from when this is going up, just fyi. Also, if I owe anyone stuff PLEASE poke me on AIM at Hand in a Flame. Thanks!]