(no subject)

Mar 21, 2010 08:47

Who: 11-12 and OPEN
When: Today
Where: The gym
What: Self defence training - and needing someone to train with! (Anyone/multiple people welcome.)
Warnings: Probably none.

11-12 hadn't been to the gym since the night he'd been killed. A week of the death toll then just as he recovered he was assigned his inmate, Laura - who had been caught up in the recent catastrophe - so he had been keeping his eye on her recovery as much as he could and spending the time - until she was well enough to talk properly with him herself - reading over her file to learn more about her and what it is she would need to be helped and to graduate and be whole and happy inside again.

But for now she was safe in the infirmary and he thought he should try to get back to his original plan of making himself stronger by learning how to better defend himself against the attacks that were frequent here. He'd gathered again the martial arts books he'd brought with him the first time he'd done this and made his way once more to the gym. He also wanted to check if Claire was there and if she needed any help. He'd felt neglectful of his job, even if it was now voluntary and that he hadn't been able to prevent his recent incapacity.

He looked around inside then sat down for a moment with his books. He saw that some of the lessons inside needed at least one other person to partner with in the role of an attacker - so he looked up again, hoping someone was around who could assist him in training.

jason todd, 11-12

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