(no subject)

Mar 20, 2010 22:43

Who: Jason Todd and Jace Belern
When: Today
Where: Jason's Room
What: And inmate and his warden meet.
Warnings: Jason's mouth, and possible violence.

Jason hadn't been expecting much from his warden, and the fact that he hadn't called him out publicly made him wonder about the man. He hadn't even seen him around before, but that stood to reason. There were a lot of people on the Barge, and he just hadn't met everyone. Heck he was sure he never would, but he'd give it the old college try. So when the man had just asked to meet, he had agreed. A little lost at how the meeting would go, but he was hoping for the best.

Jason had started to pace when the time drew closer. His mind running over all the possibilities for the meeting. Had his warden done his research on him? Did he know about his past? Would he question Jason's stance on being innocent?

A hundred more questions ran through his mind, but he knew one thing. This man could either make or break his plans for the Barge and it's resident psychopaths. He really didn't want to add to the growing list of the damned, but he would if need be.

jason todd, jace beleren

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