log - sexby's very bad day.

Mar 01, 2010 11:37

Who: Angelica and Sexby
What: The continuation of this. Sexby can be kind of a jerk and Angelica can be kind of obtuse.
Where: Sexby's cabin on Level 4, but probably in the corridor as well
Warnings: Anger. So much anger.
Notes: This is probably going to be one loud and obnoxious fight. Characters are more than welcome to notice their epic fail.

When Sexby ended the conversation abruptly, Angelica was so enraged that she stormed out of her own cabin and ran the few flights down to yell at her pigheaded husband. The problem, apparently, was that she had stayed the night with Svetlana, who was a man but still herself all the same, and had not thought of how that would affect her poor, sensitive husband.

And he did not know that she had spent all of that day worrying about being with child, thanks in part to the both of them being utterly in the dark about such matters, and his foolish behavior was doing little to ease her worries. He did not know that she would have to leave him and the Barge if this happened. He had not been told yet, and now her anger would push the matter aside even more.

Upon arriving at his door, Angelica stood and tried to catch her breath. Then she knocked, nay, she beat upon the door and stood in front of it with clenched fists. Sexby was a fortunate man that she did not immediately let herself in to berate him.

angelica sexby/fanshawe, edward sexby

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