The Rani is really, really not herself right now.

Mar 02, 2010 10:49

Who: The Rani and OPEN
What: Hunger overcomes mortification.
Where: Out and about on the Barge.
When: Late at night, Monday after the start of the flood.

It had been nearly two weeks since anyone had seen hide or hair of the Rani for more than a moment, and certainly no one had had any communication from her beyond "leave me alone". But since the flood began, she hadn't even been seen passing rapidly through the dining hall to grab some food. But now, hunger had finally gotten the better of her.

Or rather, him.

Anyone out and about late this evening might encounter a lanky, sharp-featured gentleman who was badly dressed in the Rani's usual clothes, which didn't fit him properly at all. He was creeping in the general direction of the kitchen, hoping to find something and that she-he-wouldn't encounter anyone at all.

the rani, neil howie

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