Meditations r srs bzns

Mar 01, 2010 08:54

Who: Jubilee + Open (multithreads are beyond awesome)
Where: The Deck
When: After dawn tai-chi
What: Random encounters?
Warnings: None, but will edit if necessary

She might be mad at Logan, but his teachings still held. Jubilee couldn't help it. After tai-chi broke up, she settled onto her knees, and took the meditative pose that came almost as natural as breathing any more.

Taking a deep breath, she settled her heartbeat, and ignored the fact that she was still a guy. She needed to get back into some sort of routine, before she self-imploded. And she knew she was going to. Everything was just getting to be too much.

But that was why she meditated. To make it all not be too much.

Yep, she was totally meditating. Except... she really really wasn't and welcomed the interruption when it came.

jace beleren, jubilee, cissie king-jones

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