(no subject)

Oct 14, 2009 23:57

Who: Rose Tyler and Aleera
When: After her post but before actually talking with Toshiko.
Where: Out on the deck.
What: Rose steps out of her cabin to explore the ship on her own and comes across an unexpected visitor.

Not being one for just standing still especially when finding themselves in a weird dimension even if it was a ship, Rose had left her cabin to check out what else the ship had to offer. So far she had encountered the kitchen and the library. Not that the latter helped yet. She hadn’t really had time to look much of anything up being stuck in a book a few days prior and was actually planning to stay away from books for a while. Bloody sodding Master, she thought with a frown. She still wasn’t over it and had every intention of making him pay somehow. She just didn’t know the hows or whens yet but there’d be time to think even further on that later.

She strolled along the deck finding the cosmos that they were sailing through to be amazing. Stopping in her footing, she approached the railing and leaned on it for a closer look. In all her travels she had never really seen anything like this not even when they’d be in the vortex. This was shinier, more colourful and a tad different in her eyes. In a way it was almost peaceful. And she started to wonder just how long the easiness would last and when she’d finally get an inmate of her very own.

rose tyler, aleera

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