I have finally caved and have a Fringe icon :D
Since my last Fringe post, I have continued to follow it through listening to this
podcast, which has allowed me to look deeper into episodes, providing me with more perspectives. I just love intelligent and devoted fans who analyze each episode and pick up on themes and points we might've missed. Through these podcasts, I've been rewatching episodes to gain a new perspective and pick up on clues, "Easter Eggs," that I've missed the first watch around. And of course, I was initially watching for the ship so I hadn't been paying extremely close attention to the mythology, but now that it's all coming together, the theories about what's going on is riveting. I think this is the first time that I've become so immersed in figuring the show out.
Last night was the first time that I would experience watching along with the rest of the world to see whether my theories would come to fruition (or not) and it was pretty exciting. While I wasn't able to watch it live (I went to see The Hunger Games :)), I'm just totally happy to see them back and to 'check' my theories out.
4.15 A Short Story About Love
SO! My initial reaction after the ending was :o AAAAH!!!! I feel totally trolled!!! DUHHHHH xD
The literal words out of my mouth, I swear, lol. Back to this point later.
This moment was far too short! lol For all the hype it had when pictures of this shoot was 'leaked,' it was not long enough xD There better be a bed (or highly domestic cute coupley) scene in the next episode or I'll be upset, lol.
But no matter -this episode was just a teaser for all I care, because I wanna know what happens after this! How're we gonna get everyone's memories back? Scraping off the new layer of parchment if you will. This leads back to the palimpsest theory, where this was our universe all along, except with the expulsion of Peter from time, it created a new layer of the universe which we have to scrap off now that Peter's back.
This leads back to me being surprised with how this episode unfolded, because I expected the beacon in the preview to be the thing that resets time, but nope. Totally guessed wrong on that. I expected there to be some scientific epiphany explaining to us how to 'reset' the timeline to the way it was, but the mythology that it moved forward tonight was less about science and more about emotion.
This episode encapsulated everything that Jeff Pinkner (quoting someone else) said about this show. The more scifi and outrageous, crazy, you get with the story, the more rooted in human emotion and relationship you have to get in order for people to really buy your story. This is kind of an obvious thing, but hearing that was really nice, and this show is so good at the emotional bits. I mean, you keep hearing me ramble on about it and feeling upset over these characters, but it's the characters we're watching for and the story just happens to be riveting around them ^^ So yea, this episode was really about love and it nicely paralleled what the overall arc is between Peter and Olivia. Despite the episode having the bizarre case of the week, we're more interested and invested in what's happening for our main characters.
I think it was also evident that Joel Wyman directed this episode, because you could tell he was deliberate with his camerawork even more so than others, because he is one of the principle writers and knows the thematic resonance of each scene.
When Lincoln and Olivia were talking with the widow as they awaited the killer to come after her, the camera focused on Lincoln from time to time, right when the lady was saying something that Lincoln was thinking or intended to say. And Seth Gabel and Anna Torv were brilliant with their respective pining looks -they really knew what it was like to be in love and what it was like being far/torn from it ♥
I feel really bad for Lincoln, because while Peter was non-existent, they had something going for them -3am coffee shop visits and all ^^
Prior to this episode airing, I had revised my theory and thought that we were in the 'right' universe. It was merely Peter's exiting of the timeline that messed up everyone's histories/memories, but now that he's back, Olivia (especially with her dose of Cortexiphan), is able to pick up on the previous existing memories before Peter had gone into the machine. This was about the only part I was right on. I have to rewatch all of S4 again, since we know it was our!verse all along xD
Towards the end, we find out why Peter is back and I hadn't really pondered the 'why,' but more of the 'what now.' So, hearing September say this was like whoa, duh xD
[There is not scientific explanation. We do not know how you are back, but] I have a theory, based on a uniquely human principle. I believe you could not be fully erased, because the people who care about you would not let you go, and you would not let them go. I believe you call it…love.
Usually, if a show pulls something like this, I'm like...no. You can't just chalk it up to emotions and not give us a factual explanation, but with this, I can believe it. It is thanks to the writers and acting of Anna and Joshua that I can buy that her emotions kept him alive. Just like Peter rooted in Olivia's mind help her come back to us in S3. They really do compliment each other and I like that they're not shoving the 'they are fated' into our faces as strongly as they could. The show speaks for itself ♥
I also think that Olivia was the only person to have her 'old' memories come back so far, because of the cortexiphan, but also because Peter is now present and enhancing those memories further. Peter is like a drug of his own. Look at his intensity. HOT!