High school dramas <3

Nov 22, 2010 23:11

My predictions for the unfolding of Hammer Session!! did not exactly come to pass, though I managed to guess how Kaede found out. I'm somewhat surprised the class reacted the way they did, but also glad that it was a happy ending :) I could also tell that Masaki's part was shot at a different time than the rest; he was probably busy with W stuff.
Going through some of the 'hammer sessions' was a little dry, though I will give credit to the writer for making the 'lessons' more risky and crazy than what a high school drama would usually entail. Not the greatest drama, but the ending made it worth it. If anything, the cast of young up-and-coming actors/actresses is worth watching for :)

I also realized that I really can't watch Masaki play any character other than Philip. I mean, I watched his episode, and it was nice...but I want something with more substance than an one-epper character, ya know? He has a minor role in Dolittle, maybe something different.

Q10 -6: what I'd like to call, the Epiphany episode ;)
I liked that we got to see Maeda be natural in this one, if only for a little...but seductive Q10 is somewhat creepy XD

I especially love how this show takes the romantic and makes it literal, turning it into a unique moment. Like, promising to never cry again as long as she lives. She literally takes out her tear 'gland.' How romantic XD He's like, "What will you do when you want to cry?"
"I'll just think of you and smile instead." CUTE ♥

I wonder what happened to the other models this girl was working on, if the label Q10 is any indication of how long she's worked? Was this her childhood friend? She had pictures of her...Also, there's the dilemma of aging, if their relationship continues the way it does. In the end, is he going to chock it up as one of his loves that he'll look back in nostalgia as an adult? Like a collectible that we save and take out once in a while? I have a feeling they might go down this route. OR, maybe, in a very unrealistic sense, she's made human, at the price of her memories.

shippery goodness, dramas, love, j drama: q10, j actor: suda masaki, review

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