I've caught up on Q10 up to the 5th episode, all RAWs, because I am an impatient person :P
I just have to say that I was right when I said this was my renzoku obsession; I'm loving it so much!
Episode 2
+ idol!Takeru just with a change of hair XD It's hilarious how his family was like kya-ing over their own son XD
+ Kawai's developing relationship with Kageyama ^^
+ "It's okay to love whatever you want. That's what being human is about." (At least, that's how I would have phrased it -dunno how the subbers did it). I love this idea, because it's what keeps me going every day. Because I can come home and find you here, to find what I love online, and to be able to take the stress away, and I have no shame in that.
You go Teacher, liking telephone poles/wires (actually, I think they're pretty too :p). You go Heita, liking those towers.
Episode 3
+ I liked how Yamamoto was encouraging Kawai to speak up for herself. "If you don't yell out and defend yourself, even you'll start believing those lies."
+ Takeru's explanation as to why he never explained himself to the girl he liked 2 years ago. If he said anything, it wouldn't change the fact that he did it, though sometimes, it's better if you say something ;)
However, this ended up playing out really well for the girl involved, because she finally had the courage to let him go :)
+ Q10 ends up at Heita's house, but not by Heita...and the rest you just have to watch:P
Episode 4
+ The hug <3
+ I love Takeru's flialy-ness; that's like how he was in Mei-chan ^^
+ I love that Heita was like "whatever" to what he wanted to be in life, and it made Q10 cry. Of course, she wouldn't stop doing it and he was forced to 'hug' her XD But then, there's a small twist, and he gets all flustered. He's like "are you kidding me?!" le sigh, lol.
+ Kageyama and Kawai's conflict over which school to go to. I thought it was nice that it wasn't all peachy even as they became a couple. I fell more and more in love with Kaku Kento based on this character, because he was all flustered trying to hold her hand...and when she couldn't say anything and just clung onto his sleeve, he was sorta helpless *squishes*
He was like "I'm weak against these things..." And she just gave him the puppy dog eyes <3
Episode 5
+ 平太の音, which is really a neat little concept. I love when the whole family sits down and goes "Oh, so that's what he sounds like. It's properly beating, isn't it?" I also love how Q10 records the whole class and makes it real to the teacher :)
+ There was interesting play of the shattering globe and Nakao's perspective.
+ He picks Q10, the end.
Anyways- that's just me listing things I liked, not really an in-depth review :P
As you can see, I've signed up for
yuletide this year; kind of an impulse thing ^^
I'm super excited, because there are jdrama fandoms which I've been itching to write for. Of course, I'm always slow in getting to them, because mostly, I'm consumed with watching :P
My semester is over in 2 weeks (2 more classes)!! WOOT :D