MCU Avengers FIC: An Alpha's Gift (Master Post)

Jul 29, 2014 08:16

Title: An Alpha's Gift
Word Count: At the moment 5,058
Type: Slash
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Past!Alpha!Howard Stark/Omega!Steve Rogers, Alpha!Tony Stark/Omega!Bruce Banner, Omega!Clint Barton/Alpha!Phil Coulson, Alpha!Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Beta!Pepper Potts and Beta!Nick Fury
Warnings: ABO!verse, sexual context but nothing too detailed, Canon Character Death, Violate, hurt/comfort, mpreg.
Author's Notes: I started writing this for the MPreg Big Bang challenge but some RL issues came up and I was unable to finish it. I'm now posting the first two parts for the writerverse Big Bang Challenge I figure that if I re-worked on these two and post them, it would get me working on the rest and that I would finish it soon. Here's hoping. :D
Summary: When Steve became Captain America, he was told many things, one of them was that he would stop having Cycles and would never be able to have children. He was happy and upset about the whole thing but in the end, he found an alpha that didn't care about that. Then his world got turn upside down when he flew the plane into freezing water.

Tony was always mad at his father for spending so much time talking about the great Steve Rogers and spending so much time trying to find him. He couldn't understand why his father would be so focus on an alpha. It wasn't until Tony read SHEILD's files on him and met Steve before the Battle of New York that he found out Steve was an omega.

Steve doesn't care much so for the way that Tony Stark live his life but he does his best to get along with him, it's the least that he can do for Howard. He's pretty sure that Tony is doing the same as well. It's almost three months after the Battle of New York when they both learn though Howard had given them both a gift.

I Part One I Part Two I Rest Coming Soon.....

character: natasha romanoff(black widow), character: tony stark(iron man), kink: a/b/o, character: phil coulson, word count: wip, kink: mpreg, pairing: steve/howard, character: pepper potts, character: steve rogers(captain america), pairing: clint/coulson, character: thor (marvel), character: howard stark, character: clint barton(hawkeye), type: fan fiction, pairing: tony/bruce, character: bruce banner(hulk), fandom: avengers mcu

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