Drabble The Hobbit: Long Live the King

Jul 06, 2014 19:57

Title: Long Live the King
Word Count: 277
Rating: G
Fandom or Original: The Hobbit
Pairings (if any): NA
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): Slight spoilers for the book.
Summary: The crowning of a king.


Bilbo watched from the side as Thorin was crowned King Under the Mountain, the title has always been his but now it was official. With the Arkenstone returned to the dwarrows after the Battle of Five Armies, no one was questioning his claimed to the throne of Erebor.

Thorin sat on the throne where Gandalf placed the crown upon his head and stepped back for all to see. Behind the throne, one on each side, stood Fili and Kili, the heirs to the Durin's line. Bilbo smiled at the youngest of the brothers as Kili did his best to stand tall. The young prince had been badly wounded during the battle and they even feared that they may lose him but with the healing powers of the elves Kili started making a full recovery and had insisted on being at the crowning of his uncle.

The rest of the companion stood to the front of the gathering that had came to see the King Under the Mountain. A mixture of men, dwarrows, and elves. King Thranduil of Mirkwood stood beside Gandalf along with his son Prince Legolas and the Lady Tauriel. Beside them stood Lord Bard, now king of Lake Town. It was truly a sight of beauty, during his whole journey all Bilbo heard were the races fighting among themselves but now they all stood together to honor and welcome back a king and his line to their home long lost to them.

Bilbo shifted a little though, it was truly a wonderful sight but a even better sight was the food that he had seen being prepared in the great hall for the feast afterward.

fandom: hobbit, word count: 100-500, challenge: writerverse, rating: g, word count: complete, type: fan drabble

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