
Jul 16, 2004 14:12

Yay, a day of adequate sleep for once!

I got up yesterday and went to a testing session for a new job. It probably isn't the best job ever, but it'll pay, and that is what I need right now.

Having done that, I came home and got something to eat quickly and hung out with pooka_madness for a while. Then we went to get spreadnparanoia and had Chipotle, followed by some West Wing season 1 goodness. Almost to the end of the first episode, the power went out in our building, so we hopped along to Sam's place for an hour or so and channelsurfed. Sam and Eben were very disturbed by the fact that, until last night, I had never watched The Daily Show. *shrug*. Once the power had come back on here, we came back, finished episode 1, and then watched 3 more. Then I came up here, fiddled around a bit, and went to bed around 4.

I woke up this morning at 8:30 when the phone rang, and went back to sleep. Ganon showed up around 11 and started snuggling and purring and combing my hair with his paws, as he does. He let me pet him for a while, which is a rather rare occurrence, and just hung around in a cuddly fashion for a couple hours while I drifted in and out of sleep. I think he has decided that biting reasonably gently is a sign of affection. Le sigh. Now he's carrying around his poor, abused beanie baby tiger and chewing on it and making those absolutely adorable little purr/meow noises that he does. Such a cute kitty :)

So today I need to transfer money out of my savings account *sigh* and into checking, and then I need to apparently go to lunch, and do some more job hunting stuff.

I want iced tea.

Mreh, anyway. I go.
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