Quiet day.

Jul 15, 2004 02:53

I got up this morning to take spreadnparanoia to work, and then came home and did some fiddling around online. I talked to shoecollar and then drove pooka_madness up to campus so he could run a quick errand. We came back, Pooka went to do stuff in his apartment, and I played some FF10. I have now captured ten of every species in the Calm Lands, so w00t for that, I can get on with the actual game now. (God, I hate capturing.)

Had a bad time wtih cramps earlier today--I finally conquered them with a combination of Advil, chamomile tea, and evening primrose oil (thanks a million for letting me know about that vessence!) I did some dishes. Eventually I made pasta with alfredo sauce for dinner, and then hung around finishing my re-read of The Wayfarer Redemption, and started Enchanter. It's a very good series so far; I'm really enjoying it. I like the way it's constructed as a vast tapestry with threads that meet several hundred pages down the line, and you flip back to the beginning and go "oh yeah!" It's kind of neat to see how she does it, since it's much the same effect I am trying to achieve in Wyrdborn. Although I find I'm rather good at predicting her pattern; I'll catch a word in one sentence, something in my brain will click, and a hundred or so pages later I'll see that I'm right :)

Other than that, not much is going on. I'm talking to shoecollar, and just generally unwinding. Thank Goddess for herbal tea, actually; I'm so into having a hot, sweet tea that actually contains no caffeine. It's lovely. Which reminds me, I need more Advil soon.....bleh. Also more tea.

Right, now that the kettle is on to boil, um....what else was I going to talk about? Mreh. I have an interview or something tomorrow at 12:30, I'm supposed to be there 15 minutes early and it's about 40 minutes away, according to MapQuest. I really, really hope that's not where their actual office is if I get the job, because I really don't want that long of a commute. I'm spoilt by previous jobs, which were never more than 20 minutes' drive (or 15 minutes' walk in the case of Quartet.) Fweh.

My kitten's being an evil spaz today :( He was sweet and cuddly earlier, and now he's all "mrowr! don't touch me or I bite your hand off!" :( I like cuddly cats! Be more cuddly dammit!

Now I have fresh tea, and more important things to do than type to my journal =p

final fantasy x, writing, reading, video games

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