* holy shit wow the new LJ feed is ugly and fucks with my reading habits.
* Troy fuckin' Baker does an absolutely goddamn stellar Mark Hamill impression in Arkham Origins. If I did not know going in the VA had changed, I would not know. (Paladin agrees: "I would've just thought Hamill was phoning it in.") Also, I did not know Troy Baker could achieve that pitch. Well done, sir.
* I got a massage today and wow my back was a mess. It is now less of a mess. I have scheduled another massage for when I anticipate being done with the embroidery. Because ow.
* It is so damn cold. I mean, it's only low 20s, but I feel disproportionately chilled.
So, November has gone by; time for goals roundup. (Spoilers: it went poorly.)
Video Games
In November:
* Really seriously beat FFX HD
* Try to beat something else before Dragon Age: Inquisition and Persona Q eat all my free time.
This one I actually succeeded at! I beat FFX HD, I beat Costume Quest: Grubbins on Ice, and I got 95% of the way to beating Super Glyph Quest. I haven't even installed Inquisition or booted up PQ. I should really do the latter, at least long enough to unlock Street Pass.
In December
* Beat the main plot of FFXIV
I anticipate that's all I'll have time for, due to sewing and family and holidays.
In November:
* Edit the first book of the trilogy, or at least get halfway there.
* Post a damn Chocobo Races fic.
SO. MUCH. FAIL. Largely because I realized the sewing thing had to happen. But wow. Nope.
In December:
Write once a week. This is a pathetically low goal. I know.
In November:
* Halve lowest credit card.
Did not, because unanticipated planned expenses reared their heads and will eat up most of the money I planned to use for this. Alas. But I managed all the Christmas shopping in cash AND I'm done with said shopping, so there is that. (Marvel in my lack of procrastination; I am a 12/23 shopping champion.)
In December:
Don't let the magic word "sale" tempt me out of my budget.
In November
* Post more on DW
* Cook meals in more often than I eat out
* Keep the house clean and neat
Well, I sure as shit failed at #2. #3 I only did okay at because paladin kept reminding me. I posted 8 times in October, and only 6 in November. *explosion noise*
On the other hand, I did spend most of the month doing epic achievements in embroidery. And I unpacked five boxes.
In December
* Finish the embroidery
* Unpack three boxes
* Meditate once a week
* Make a list of things to purchase for setting up an actual permanent altar space
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