In assorted good news: Yesterday my mom received her five-years-all-clear stamp and is officially considered cured. :) Now crossing my fingers that she stays clear, but that's such a great thing.
I took this afternoon off - originally for reasons relating to Mom coming out here, but the timing got shifted, and I decided that I really desperately needed the time. So I came home (which took two hours, God, CTA, why) and ran some errands and then gave myself two hours in which I could play FF14, which has apparently done incredible things for my state of mind. When that was done I got up and did the dishes and emptied the dishwasher and took out the trash and cleaned cat boxes and generally was reasonably effective (except for the part where the thing I planned to make for dinner turned out to be a thing where half the ingredients I thought I had were past their expiration dates by a lot and the other half I didn't even have on hand, sigh, so delivery Chinese food it was. Not that I can complain much about orange chicken.) And I am now flopped here watching paladin play Arkham Origins and eating gingersnaps. Pretty good Thursday, if you ask me.
ANYWAY. Let's get back on this here wagon with posting topics and stuff. I'm going to probably alternate (as the whim takes me) between my old prompts and my new ones. Tonight I pretty much have brain for one of the old ones, so let's rock.
sathari prompted me for: we've definitely talked a lot about FFIV. But I can't help asking once more--- again, any thoughts about it that you feel like sharing, maybe anything you're not sure you've given enough talk-time to.
One of the things I really love about the revised/expanded canon of the DS/iOS version is the motivations it gives us for Golbez. I'm a huge sucker for villains with totally understandable emotions, and the way his motivations function makes perfect sense with the expanded canon. That Zemus thought to twist the jealousy of a child with a new sibling, and the fearful reaction of people who don't understand magic and thus lash out at it, is horrifyingly reasonable when you then consider that Golbez had that voice whispering in the back of his head all his life, taking feelings the child would've grown out of in time and never letting him have that chance.
I'm also perpetually amazed at how far ahead of its time it was in a lot of ways, although frustrated by how it remains stuck there in others (female characters, for example. I love Rydia and I think there could be so much to Rosa but the game is really intent on sticking her in the "white mage/girlfriend" box and it's infuriating. I mean, ok, 1991 JRPG, but THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH even if it's better than many of its contemporaries and better than a lot of the stuff we have now....but I am beating a dead horse.)
I once spent a lot of time working out the Arthurian parallels that are painfully obvious in the canon (and longer than I should have working on a Golbez/Seifer crossover "living with the consequences" AU, my life, my choices.) Someday maybe I'll do something with that, fic-wise.
That's all the maundering I have for this right now, I think.
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