Shopping Adventures!

Jan 16, 2012 14:39

I swear I do not know where this week went. (I actually do--multiple days of playing Exalted plus classes plus freelance work, but still.) But it has been a very productive weekend! I saved all the erranding for today, which was possibly a poor decision in terms of having to deal with far too many idiots at the mall, but oh well.


A new keyboard for my iMac (oh my God y'all I have a numpad again. And Home/End/Pg Up/Pg Dn keys. THIS IS SO AMAZING I CANNOT EVEN. Apple why do you hate people who need to do extensive text-selection and editing. Why. Why is this not STANDARD. Or am I some kind of weird keyboard user?)

I also got a thingy that makes my iPad output to HDMI so I can get people watching TV shows with me! Hurrah!

Rant: Dear Apple, when I am standing in your store and I can see 25 people in your signature blue shirts scattered all around, but cannot find a way to check out and give you money, that makes me less inclined to give you money. (Clearly, this is my fault for being able to easily locate the items I need without the assistance of an Apple Genius.)

So after that I went to Victoria's Secret, where I spent at least 4x longer waiting in line than it took me to find my items and get *to* the line; meanwhile they open 2 more lines at the opposite end of the counter and the lady in front of me is quibbling over a $2 difference in the sale price on some pajamas. That results in un-scanning, then re-scanning, four different things. And then two guys jump the line in front of me. Seriously. Get the fuck in line like the rest of us, asshats.

But at least I have pretty new underwear.

Onward to Nordstrom's in search of new Uggs since my old ones do not fit me properly anymore. I cannot find a salesperson to fetch me things to try on (since at Nordstrom's we cannot have the actual shoes sitting out like one might at a less professional retailer, no, that would be silly) so I resort to lurking around the Uggs table until the woman whose job appears to be "ensure all customers are helped" notices me and locates a sales guy for me. I am now the owner of these in black; they fit nicely in a six. (Alas for my half-sized feets.)

And then I accidentally this because clearly I need more eyeshadow, right. I almost got this one instead, and still might go back for it because mmmmm sparkly blue, but for now I am sort of boggling at the amount of money I spent today, so.

The final stop was the sporting goods store, where I got a new hat. Because you see, earlier in the morning, I'd stopped at the gas station. I got out of the car and my hat fell from my coat pocket into a puddle of nasty gas-and-oil-slicked water. There is basically no way ever I'm going to consider that thing clean even if I can manage to wash it, so I tossed it and found a new one on clearance. (Also, long underwear and sock liners for the ski trip.)

Finally swung by Chipotle for lunch, and now I am home and full of tasty foods, and I can has video games for the rest of the day :D

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