The best thing about vacation is the food.

Jan 22, 2012 20:37

So we are on vacation! We are in Steamboat Springs, again, for a week. We are here with my parents. We got in yesterday--it was a horrifically bumpy landing and I was making alarmed squeaky noises the entire time. (I hate flying. I hate it. I hate it so much. Paladin was trying to calm me down and I was having none of it.)

We got here in one piece and checked in, and then did the early errands--acquiring skis, doing the grocery shopping, etc. We ended up ordering pizza for dinner--with elk sausage, boar sausage, red onion, and mushrooms, and it was amazingly delicious.

Today we got skis for my parents and paladin went off to do his own thing, while I skied with my parents. We did the same little green run six or seven times, getting used to skiing again and getting our boots adjusted to be tight enough. We came back to watch the AFC Championship (I was good no matter who won; pretty happy with the Patriots, especially since I think they'll do a better job of wrecking the razzafrazzing Giants dlskfjlkasjdfkljasldfj raaaaage.) We went out for Italian for dinner--I had duck confit canneloni in a Chianti reduction with dried cherries and cheese of some kind. oh. my. God. It was amazing.

(I have also had several excellent amaretto sours and a thing called a Hot Apple Pie, which consists of hot apple cider with Tuaca. Mmmmmmmmm.)

Tomorrow we're planning on taking on some longer greens, maybe one of the easy blues if we're feeling up for it. So far things are going pretty well; apart from my horrific anxiety during the landing of the plane--dear God let it not be that way going back--I've been pretty okay. We took it pretty easy today, and probably will tomorrow as well.

And now I am going to go try to convince myself to write, instead of flopping on Plurk and Tumblr.

I've posted this at and would prefer you comment there if possible. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

vacation, delicious food, skiing, football

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