I wrote a thing.

Jan 07, 2012 00:18

For the Oh My God We Need Some Porn In Here Stat Porn Meme.

"Cool and Smooth", Celes/Locke, NC-17, explicit sex with pegging. 2100 words. One night after perhaps more wine than was wise, Locke finally manages to ask Celes for something he's been wanting for a while. She is happy to oblige.
Dreamwidth | AO3

I am sort of amused and rather pleased at how much this fic is (apart from fandom/pairing) very much not my usual fare. Writing new things! oh help this is terrifying.

(in other news now is not really the time to have decided I want to rename every single pairing and threesome tag in my ficjournal to "relationship" instead. I'm going to assume I'm being weird because I'm very tired and just. Let that sit until tomorrow.)

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1047324.html and would prefer you comment there if possible. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

fic pointers

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