I like rain. I like lightening. I like thunderstorms. But not all three while I am trying to be on the compy or online. We're still stuck here in Philadelphia under a tropical depression *breaks out a weather map and dons a cheesy blazer with helmet hair*, hell there has even been tornado warnings, WTF! Oh aunty em indeed.
We have been having spazic sporadic t storms since last night. I had intentions on being online and poking people and making things, but nature felt I needed to do other things. So I started reading another book. I have finally finished all of the Lord Of The Rings, including the appendices, and of course before hand, The Hobbit, but as I was saying to someone else the other day, I do believe I have had my fill of hobbits for now, and am actually needing a break from this genre entirely. Am already half way through The Horse whisperer, which is not something I would have chosen specifically to read, but D had found a copy on the side of the road. Thing is, it's not too bad. I would like to polish off two more books after The Whisperer before The Half Blood is Released for my
book challenge (idea so gacked from
quebelly). I should place my order for it soon. Also, next month they are releasing the second volume for the Eragon trilogy which I am looking forward to,too, despite the lack of fan fare unlike Potter. If anyone is actually reading this post and happens to have read Marion Zimmer Bradley, would you by chance know the order of the avalon series? It's a tid confusing.
Ohhh and guess what, I won third place for my Anya icon at
Go me. Feel free to snag if it strikes your fancy.
Speaking of icon competitions.....I will have to badger my partner as I just thought of yet another question that I have neglected to ask..heh, probably already have, but just don't remember the answer. Sorry pud.
manson_icontest, you know know your curious like a car wreck.
Since I am rambling about books, here's a poll, sice I never use this feature.
Poll Binded in cloth So, is everyone having luck with this Tag feature?
Fuckers, and now the lightening is starting up again. Shall return when it's over. I know, this entry was as useful as teets on a bull.