i met you at the blood bank.

Mar 28, 2010 16:22

Won't have time to do this later because I will be watching LIFE on Discovery (Mammals and Fish tonight!). I love how Discovery can significantly improve my Sunday nights.

day 02 → your favorite movie

This is so DIFFICULT for me, there are so many movies that I love. I watch many different genres as well, and it can be hard to compare Lord of the Rings to, say, Batman Begins, both of which are amazing. If I go strictly by the ones I have rewatched the most, it's an easier choice. Still, I'm going to cheat again and pick three, and probably cheat more by counting the Lord of the Rings trilogy as one.

The Lord of the Rings

I still can't believe I almost never got into these films. I watch far more movies now than I did back when Fellowship of the Ring came out, and I didn't pay much attention to movie previews at all. I had little interest in LotR, especially considering I was such a loyal Harry Potter fan and took offense to those who told me LotR was so much better.

Someone gave me the Fellowship DVD as a gift and my brother kept saying that I needed to watch the movie, because it was amazing, so I finally relented on the condition that he would watch it with me. Mark, raikuya, and I sat down to watch it, as it turns out, two days before the theatrical release of The Two Towers. Obviously, I loved it. The three hours flew by. I've always loved fantasy books and movies, and really, what is there not to love about Fellowship? The gorgeous location, the cinematography, the writing, the music, Viggo Mortensen. I believe within the first half hour I had established my enormous crush on him. So a few days later I went to see The Two Towers, then bought the books after Christmas and finished The Hobbit and FOTR in two days.

I've seen all three of the LotR films more times than I can count, read the books multiple times, and am still blown away by the world that J.R.R. Tolkien created. Also, I usually wind up disappointed in the films of books (*coughHarryPottercough*) but this was a special circumstance. Not only did I see the movies before reading the books, which helps, but Peter Jackson really does an amazing job with staying close to the books, minus a few things.

Even when I did watch movies, I never paid much attention to the actors/actresses - until LotR. I knew everything about every one of the fellowship actors, back a few years ago. Spent a lot of time watching ALL of the special features on the DVDs, which was a lot, I assure you. I own the original release DVDs and the extended editions - and now the special editions. There were a few movies I watched afterwards just because Viggo Mortensen was in them. I freaked out when I realized that Elijah Wood is in Flipper (which I also love).

Honorable Mention - Elizabethtown

Honorable mention because I LOVE this movie and no one else seems to. There is so much criticism for it, and sure, the plot line really isn't the greatest one ever written, but if you don't take it so seriously, it's a charming film. The characters are quirky, the plot is quirky, it depicts your typical quirky-family-issues which I usually enjoy, the soundtrack was good, PAULA DEEN IS IN IT and the movie ends with a Cathartic Road Trip, which I am also a sucker for.

Honorable Mention II - Free Willy

Because Free Willy was my childhood hero. True story. I owned the Free Willy Adoption kit. I went through a period when I watched this movie almost every night when I was little. I have a stuffed animal. My uncle rode his bike cross-country from Virginia to Oregon and he stopped at the aquarium holding Keiko just to take pictures for me. And buy me merchandise. I was considerably depressed when Keiko died a few years back. This movie is the reason why I wanted to be a marine biologist for so many years, and subconsciously has probably played a part in my career choice now. The sequels sucked, big shocker, but this movie I will always love.

fish are my life, 30 days meme

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