The Summer Schedule

Jul 08, 2010 15:46

In the past summer has been the one time of year we could just lounge around all day, come and go as we please, no obligations. Somehow that all changed this year. Maybe because the kids are getting older, or I felt guilty about not going on a vacation this year. Whatever the reason, we have a busy schedule of lessons and day camps. I signed Preston up for evening swim classes so Chad can have the opportunity to take him. And, more importantly, so I can have a break from the cold pool water. Hayley is swimming twice a week training with the local swim team. Last week Emma and Cameron had a 3 day puppet making class (although we blew off the third day to go swim in a friend's pool, it is summer after all). This week Hayley and Cameron are doing tennis lessons. The fact that we are in the middle of a heat wave didn't seem to bother them, and they are having a great time with it. Chad and I have been scrambling around getting documents and information together for our next home loan. As well as struggling to keep the house clean and orderly for any potential renters who want to come view it. Our closing date was moved up from the 30th to the 15th, I have no idea why, or what that means for our move-in date exactly. Of course it could all still fall through. What a strange feeling not knowing exactly where you will be living in the next few weeks.
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