Drabble: See What I See (Twilight)

Jun 13, 2009 15:12

Title: See What I See
Fandom: Twilight
Challenge: Glass at Twilight100
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Alice, Jasper
Author's Notes: Alice has come up with a world all of her own...

Windows fascinated Alice. They weren't like mirrors that showed exactly what was in front of them. In windows, edges were softened and blurred until reality became something else entirely. Sometimes she saw visions play out along the slick glass, her own private movie screen, but mostly she just saw herself.

"Jasper. Come here." She hoped, just this once, that he would see past the obvious and see what she saw. "Come look in the glass with me."

"If you're worried about your new car, go put it in the garage."

Seems she would be alone in her playground again today.

2009, challenge, twilight

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