Drabble: Frustration

Jun 07, 2009 19:31

This is the drabble I posted over at sortinghatdrabs for Week 14. Didn't win anything but it was fun.

Title: Frustration
Characters: Luna, Ginny
Prompt: Boys
Words: 300
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some implied femslash

Luna watched as all the loose items in the room eventually crashed into the wall before falling to a heap on the floor. She knew better - now - than to do anything about the mess until Ginny left the room. That had been the first real mistake she’d made in this relationship. The second was trying to find a solution for the problem. Now she waited patiently for the tirade to be over before stepping forward.

“Can you tell me what’s wrong yet?”

Ginny stood in the middle of the room, her face flushed both with the exertion of the past half hour and the anger that still left her seething. “Boys. Stupid, stupid boys.”

That wasn’t enough information to figure out which boys she might be ranting about but Luna could make her own deductions from past conversations. Before she could formulate an adequate response, Ginny crumpled to the floor. This was something different. Throwing caution to the wind, she knelt beside the sobbing girl and wrapped her arms around her.

“I get so worried. They never tell me anything. What if….”

“Don’t think that way.” Luna gently wiped at the tears streaming down Ginny’s feverish cheeks with the cuff of her sleeve. This complete lose of control was something new but Luna liked being the caregiver. It was nice to be needed. “They would find a way to get information to you if something happened.”

“You think so?”

Luna nodded. “I know so.”

Instead of pushing away, Ginny snuggled closer. Their hearts began to beat together as Ginny calmed down. “You always know the perfect thing to say.”

That wasn’t true but Luna was encouraged by it nonetheless. “Have I made you feel better?”

Ginny smiled up at her, the answer in her eyes without even saying a word.

2009, challenge, ravenclaw, gryffindor

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