Drabble: I Just Don't Care

Jun 24, 2009 15:04

Title: I Just Don't Care
Characters: Padma & Lavender
Words: 350
Rating: PG
Prompt: Padma and Lavender - Hair @ sortinghatdrabs

"Do you think I should wear it down?"

Padma looked up from her book, wishing she was anywhere else. She'd come over to see her sister, hoping to catch her alone so they could get caught up on the past week. They hardly saw each other these days. Unfortunately, this would not be the day they spent huddled together, gossiping about their classes and boys. Parvati was down in the Common Room with some of the other Gryffindors, making signs for the upcoming Quidditch match. Today Padma didn't feel like being part of a group, pushed to the side in favor of the other vibrant, funny girls when she was feeling moody and lethargic.

It seemed Lavender felt the same.

"It's pretty when you leave it hang down your back."

Lavender didn't seem to hear, pulling it up into a loose bun on top of her head, secured with her right hand. The left hand artfully arranged curls around her flushed face. "What about having it up like this? Do you think he'll like it up?"

This question made Padma roll her eyes. The last thing she cared about was whether Ron Weasley liked Lavender's hair up. She was by no means an expert on any of the Weasley boys, finding them boorish and slightly brain-dead as if their parents had dropped them repeatedly on their heads as infants. Ron was, by far, the worst of the lot.

"That looks nice."

Once again, Lavender wasn't listening. She was doing something with her wand so that the hair began to curl into elaborate bunches on either side of her head, all the while musing about how much Ron liked the color of her hair.

"Lavender, I don't care what Ron thinks."

Of anything Padma had said so far, this was what Lavender decided to hear. "Jealous? He's told me about what a cold fish you were at the Yule Ball. Don't think I'm not keeping my eye on you."

"You do that, Lav Lav. I've got better things to do with my time than pay attention to you or your clueless boyfriend."

2009, challenge, ravenclaw, gryffindor

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