I don't need to see the full moon in the sky...all the crazies came in today and proved it was there

Aug 02, 2012 20:39

Today is Thursday. I typically have trouble on Thursdays.

Thank you all for sticking through me the last couple of weeks. I seem to be having a complain-athon going on or something. It's the stress of doing the VBS in the morning and then going to work nearly a full shift after. And the DRIVE! I've never hate my 35-40 minute drive (one way) more than this week. Too little sleep and too much stress combined to form the nearly perfect vehicle for a mental breakdown. I've got a couple of major pimples popping up (I only get them when I'm stressed) although I haven't gotten any canker sores so HOORAY! My headache is rapidly escalating to the beginnings of a migraine so I'm not going to be on long tonight to try to head that off.

To top it all off, our first essay came back today and it's official - I still can't write an essay. I can't write well. I was told that by a couple of the reviews. Of course, I'm a fiction writer so I've embraced run-on sentences a little too much and I always forget those aren't acceptable in the real world. I just didn't have a good argument. Talk about depressing! It sort of hit me harder than I thought it would.

I discovered two things about myself today. One, I don't like quitting. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I think I'm going to continue with the class because I really, really like the lectures and I like the different books we're reading. I'll do the essays to the best of my ability but I'm not going to stress over them. This isn't for a grade and I don't want to grow up and write essays. I'm writing what I want to write. So I'm going to enjoy myself.

And two, the very best thing in my life is having my little nephew smile up at me. He was still up when I got home but not for long. I was just in time to change his diaper and put him to sleep. Auntie has the perfect touch for it! The fact that I'm one of his favorite people makes me a little teary-eyed these days. It's also getting me through some of these little dark moments of the soul. That and all of you guys. You rock! Thank you so much! I'll be back to normal!Lar next week... I hope!

This is going to leave me at a whole 10 words for Camp NaNo still but I'm going to get off the computer and snuggle up with a good book that ISN'T Alice in Wonderland.


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