Tires, Computer, and Greenie

Nov 12, 2013 10:46

This morning we took Greenie in for a check-up in preparation for Chris putting him up for sale. Anyone want a 1997 Chevy Silverado 1500 4x4? He's planning on asking $4900 firm, which will hopefully cover payments on a new car for a year or so. Just this morning as we were pulling out his driver's side window decided to be sticky so he'll be having that looked at too. Also on the list of things to do/fix are the four-wheel drive, fuel filter changed, power steering fluid changed I think, and several other things that I don't recall because it isn't my truck and wasn't my list. With any luck the repairs won't be too costly.

I picked up Chris from Oren's and we took the forecart to Red's and got a "new" pair of tires put on it. Only $70 for the two of them and much amusement for the guys at Red's.

After getting the tires we were running up on the time for me to take my computer in so we unloaded the cart at home, loaded the com Po uter in my car and I was off.

I think the Apple store employees are starting to recognize me coming in with my giant beast of a computer. Pretty much everyone else who comes in has a little lap top, maybe a tablet or phone and the occasional iMac so I stick out a bit with my 30-40lbs Mac Pro beast. I am still amazed at how busy the place is on a regular basis on the weekdays. Some are obviously retired and some are student agen but they can't all be self-scheduled or self-employed, right? Where do these people come from?

So Sunday I was working with my computer. Saturday I think I discovered that my copy of iWorks wasn't working well. It looked fine, except all of the text in the documents were not their proper color. Black appeared white and needless to say I was unable to update my books.

I thought perhaps downloading the updates may fix my issue so I set the computer about the 6 hour task. I checked in on it now and again, the last time being 10 minutes before completion. The final time I expected to see "update complete" and "please restart" and instead I had nothing. Nothing. Wouldn't wake up. I had to force shutdown and I apparently may as well have not waited the six hours for the download as it did not complete it. It did not start up right away for me Sunday morning and I figured perhaps I didn't hit the button right the first time, but no. It's back to its same old tricks.

They did give me a free upgrade to iWorks '09n which has fixed the bug in those programs. Currently it is behaving itself, but was a little lagging in waking up when he put it to sleep.

A solution would be nice. Not having to drag this thing 15 or 20 miles into the store again would be fantastic. Part of me wishes I had been more proactive on it when it first started misbehaving with the plaid screen of doom over a year ago and not waited a month between visits when it first started having it's power up issue (initially assumed to be the power buttonn which has since been replaced twice). It was annoying, but not essential at the time and I just dealt with it because I didn't have the time to run it in as soon as I had a minor blip.

Now of course I am running into the end of my warranty on this thing and it MUST BE FIXED before the Apple Care runs out.

I think it's been in five times at least for this problem. I'll have to ask how many times it's been in as I'm curious. I've stopped asking about the Plaid Screen of Doom as I think it may be linked to my aging monitor, but I will put up with that for the sake of the 30" screen and wonderful resolution.

So here I sit and wait. I think they are going to check it in again.

computer, vehicles

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