Sleepless, Computerless, Hopeless

Nov 01, 2013 15:54

I haven't caught up from Tristan not sleeping well Sunday and Monday nights. Primarily because last night Appy decided that she had to GO OUT NOW twice, at midnight and three cecause apparently she ate something that disgruntled her stomach. She was a bit loose and also threw up. She had the advantage of getting to sleep in until after 10, however while I had to be up at seven and wasn't really able to get back to sleep either time.

I'm debating if it was worth getting to see the Great Horned Owl last night. I caught him in the lights as he landed on the peak of the patio roof or else I would not have known he was there as he was absolutely silent. I peered out from under the patio to get a look at him and he stared at me, looked at the dog, and back to me a few times. Assessing that Appy was far too large for him to think of carrying off I stepped back under the patio and gave him permission to eat as many rodents from my yard as he desired.

Wednesday Lance helped me take my computer in. It is still at the Apple Store and they're supposedly checking the RAM this time and hopefully they will get this resolved before my Apple Care runs out in December.

I was able to chat with Trish today, my friend who also teaches and trains. I got to vent a little about Panda and she shared some things that she has experienced. She told me to let Christa know if things don't work out that she has space at her place to board Panda now. I am seriously considering giving my blunt opinion on Cheryl and Panda's suitability.

And I need to get oit for my next lesson.

computer, panda

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