First of Many, I Hope

Nov 18, 2013 20:55

Chris pulled out Charm-N's harness this morning. We didn't get to it until after 10 because the window guy took forever (I ended up running to Fry's alone so we could get something done in the meantime! We contemplated taking her and the forecart to Horseshoe, but despite appearances the forecart does not fit in the last stall of the trailer unless we pull the whole shaft assembly off and for the 1 mike drive to Horseshoe it isn't worth having to put it together and take it apart twice. It's only two bolts, but still annoying as all get out.

Chris asked if I thought Mews would be a good idea and I said I couldn't see why not so we harnessed up and hitched in the front yard and after some fussing with adjustments (lengthened the traces, fussed with the breeching) and two passes in front of the house Chris climbed in next to me and we were off!

Charm-N wasn't content with walking, but I didn't feel like fighting it and set up the same pact that I occasionally strike with Kash: I don't care what your feet do so long as you go my speed. So she gave us a soft little jog about the same speed as her swinging walk, probably 4mph. She kept it for a good 1/2 mile or more before dropping to the walk at the same speed.

She eyeballed a garbage can and dumpster and lifted her head a little and tucked vaguely at the first group of dogs as well as the first vehicle that came up her backside, but that was it. Considering she hasn't been off property since June not too shabby.

I was hoping to hand her off to Chris at some point, but she got a little forward again when we turned to home. She did settle again, but maybe next time. The more she gets out the better she'll be and she'll realize that she doesn't have to work so hard.

She got herself pretty well-lathered. Not nearly so bad as Jed looked the first time I took him out with Michelle. Some foam between her thighs and on her chest. We went a little over two miles. Mews is a dirt road intersected by various others, but they all originated as washes that were somewhat straightened. Some resemble washes more than others and the ones that intersect Mews tend to be lower and more sandy so there were a couple of dips and two drops specifically that popped the shafts up (yay false belly bands serving their purpose).

By the time we got her hosed down it was noon. It was a good little drive and I hope to do more of them with Chris and ultimately hand him the reins. We have to pull out one of the dividers in the trailer so we can get Charm-N and the cart to Horseshoe Park and let Chris gain some confidence driving in the big public arena. We will try not to scare the crap out of anyone else using it. I have to admit, the forecart is much quieter than the work cart, though I think once we chop the ends off the single tree and outfit it with shacklebolts it will run quieter as you won't have the singletree beating the shafts. Having the bench seat is also really nice.

This was our first drive together not in an arena. I am looking forward to more!

The rest of the day was spent running errands, including picking up my computer. They couldn't get it to misbehave. I tested it when I picked it up and it started up fine at home so we'll see. I spent over an hour this afternoon catching up on my books and I still have a couple clients left to go through. I should be able to polish it off tomorrow afternoon.

horses, horse driving, charm-n

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