Panda's Last Rides

Aug 04, 2013 20:30

Two weeks ago Christa sent me a text letting me know she was planning on moving Panda and if I could put a few rides on her again. She finally had a trimmer who called her back so Panda got her feet rebalanced, though he did leave her fronts a little long. He could have brought her back another 1/4 inch and it would have gotten rid of the vague dish and eliminated the separation between the wall and her sole.

The first day the farrier hadn't been out just yet so I played with some slow stuff on the ground. She was pretty relaxed despite the time off. The second day her feet were done so I rode. We kept it easy, just walking and working on bending and doing some leg-yield and shoulder-in. This week I worked her Friday and Saturday. Friday when I asked for the canter she was a bit rushed, not too terrible, but it took some to bring her back down so instead of a little canter and more trot and walk we did a kot of transitions up and down, sometimes dropping her to a full stop to insist that she move off my hands and seat rather than pushing through them and being chargy. When she gave me a nice, light downward transition in each direction we called it a day with a nice cool-down. Yesterday we played with some vertical flexion and going more on the bit in the trot. We also revisited the trot-canter transition and she came back to it really quick. We called it good and today I met Christa to send off Panda to her new home.

More info later, time is scrunched!

horses, training, panda

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