Art Lesson Week

Jul 31, 2013 15:41

Last week was insanely busy. I had the tqo art classes at Marty's place, animal anatomy and a graphite drawing class. Essentially four hours with a half hour lunch break crammed in there. I also had riding lessons packed in pretty good during the week so I was working of some type or another six to nine hours depending on the day. I was pretty done by the end of the week.

The art students had a ball and I enjoyed snitching some time here and there to sketch myself, man I'm rusty. I did start a larger piece on bristol and am debating how to proceede with it. At 14x11 it's pushing the size I like to do colored pencils in, but being on bristol I'm not sure what else to do as it won't hold washes (ink or watercolor) as well as watercolor paper. Eh, perhaps I'll just go for it. Been a while since I did anything in colored pencil, it'll be good for me. Now I just wish my art desk wasn't still packed away. It'll be so good when the house is done and we can find some apace again! The cooktop and dishwasher are wearing out their welcome in my former art corner, but they can't go in until we get countertops, which are at least two weeks out if not more! Probably more, they haven't even been out to do their templates yet.

In better news they finished the stone work last week and it looks really sharp. The great room looks awesome and the lodge poles realky feel like they belong there now rather than sticking out in the white nothingness.

Tomorrow I take Appy in to have her little wart thing looked at. Next week I need to set up to have my car taken in and given a once over. We need to figure out where the freon is leaking and it may be due for some new breaks and the latch that adjusts my chair busted, which stinks. Silber just ticked over to 125,000 and I've had her for almost 11 years now. What a good little car, but we're geowing out of her. If the truck were paid off we'd be looking seriously at a new vehicle, but we're another two and a hakf years away from that, unfortunately.

This week is a little less hectic. My student from MA is flying back home. She did eight lessons straight essentially and showed some good progress for the time she had. I have severak students starting school back up this week and next so we're working on shifting everything to the evening. It is still too hot to do anything before 5 in the afternoon so I'm going to have to open Monday and possibly Friday up for evening lessons. The good news is I can start sleeping in and I think I've seen my last 6am lesson until next year.

Ruby and Kitt are coming along. I think I'm going to have to have Kristin come oit for Kitt. She's sound to the right, but off going left and I think she's irritated that shoulder with her gimping around with the rock and abscess and needs a little massaging bodywork boost to get her over it. Where the gravel ruptured is already hardened and starting to grow down and I think so long as I clean her feet out every other day she should be fine. I haven't seen any other wierdness going on in her foot.

vehicles, house, art lessons

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