Countdown ... and Slide Film

Aug 05, 2008 12:30

Leaving early Friday morning for Utah to go to the Ellison family reunion (great-great-great grandparents, I think, not alive still, of course, but that's the line being celebrated). I'll also be spending a week up there riding with Grandpa and hanging with Grandma (some day I shall be able to crochet a bootie!).

I'll be taking my old Olympus, the film one, I've missed it. I hope to use a couple rolls of film and get back in the groove of shooting film. I have several rolls of color film I need to use, one or two black-and-white, and I think I have a couple slides too. I really like slides and want to shoot more of them. They don't get a lot of appreciation because a lot of people haven't seen slides in-hand, especially good ones. Even fewer have seen the awesomeness that is the medium format slide.

Upper Falls in YellowStone

Detail shot, I didn't know that there were people there until I scanned it in.

Sedona, Arizona, hurra for the red rocks!

Another slide of Sedona.

A slide from the Grand Canyon.

Another shot of the Grand Canyon.

Montezuma's Castle in northern Arizona, quite awesome, same trip as the Grand Canyon slides.

*Dreamy sigh.* I need to break out the Mamiya again one of these days, I love that camera, it is awesome. Even if it weighs about 10 lbs with lens and film (close to 7 lbs just the body). I think the next time I got to a horse, show, especially the Arab Show, I need to take slide film, not a digital camera because slide film is just that awesome.

photography, art, travel

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