Once again my website is going under a restructuring.
Unfortunately I think I need a new copy of Dreamweaver as my old one doesn't seem to want to agree with my computer and I can't use the FTP feature, which really stinks because my current host only allows me to upload ONE file at a time, which is painfully slow ... especially on dial-up.
Not only that, but if I upload a file I have to delete the existing one FIRST or else it just uploads it as a copy and I have to run around and delete and rename things, which is rather annoying.
Unlike the last re-vamp, this one actually has pretty much all the structure in place and shouldn't have "insert something here" text everywhere ... rather embarrassing since it lasted a year or more.
This should be the last major revamp for a good few years. In the meantime I'm going to try and make a little time each week to get minor things done, like uploading an image, fixing a link or two, etc. rather than having to sit and do a eight hour plus binge in one day. Because that's no fun and it makes me feel like I've accomplished nothing because I have to babysit the stupid thing rather than just throwing a bunch of files at it and letting it deal with itself for an hour or so while I accomplished something more visibly productive elsewhere.
I'll be completing the Photography section the week after I get back before school starts, hopefully.
Go Check Out The Site Let me know what you think of the layout, colors, etc. as input is good and I can keep it in mind for either the next re-vamp or do some tweaking on this one.
When I get really ambitious I'm going to redo the pages for my projects: Kashian, Tae-Kahn, and Lemyes.
My last semester as a student I plan on purchasing the current version of Corel Painter and, if I have the funds, I'm going to try and pick up the current version of Dreamweaver. I've been using MX, which is probably over four years old.