
Jul 12, 2007 09:11

I was able to shoot the drawings I did during my summer class in June. The only one I haven't photographed is the one that is sitting on my desk waiting to be finished, oh, and the big one (probably 3'X5'... huge). I cleaned up one of the images today, and I'll clean up the rest tomorrow.

The assignment was to draw an image with a window that showed both interior and exterior space. I had Fiona Apple's "Window" stuck in my head as I worked on it.

I like the mint plants, even though they were a bit of a pain to do.

And a detail shot.

I'm not used to doing such "complete" images. I tend towards sparse compositions that are rather uncomplicated, but this class has helped me to push it a bit farther.

Had my first lesson cancel due to a blown out tire, they'll be here next week, though, which is good. Sam has now started on the trot and is very excited.

I need to sit down and start hammering out a lesson plan so I can go about this more methodically and stop going by the seat of my pants. I've been doing this for well over a year now, time to get organized.

Yesterday was my younger brother's birthday. The family got together and went out to eat, the food was pretty good, the company better. The chips and salsa needed a little help, but the main entrées were rather good. That strange cream cheese/sour cream sauce they put on the Chimi was interesting, but good. Now it is my duty to harass him until he get a voting card, ha! I am glad that he liked the present from Chris and I. Hopefully the little cookbook ("A Man, A Can, A Plan: A second helping") produces many good meals.

art, riding lessons

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