Only briefly

Jul 13, 2007 18:02

Chris was home today, so I've been spending most of the day with him, thus, just a brief note.

I'm almost done with page 18, in fact, I should be able to finish it Monday. Then I need to scan in the other pages that I currently have inked (19-21, I think). So much for being able to build up a buffer during the summer, but I'm okay with that. Life happens, I'll just try to get them done as soon as possible and attempt to catch up for this year at least. I'm still two months behind ... three months behind. Hopefully I'll be motivated to move a little faster once I get out of the stupid agricultural fields, they're getting annoying. Just the same, it's been good for me at least, forcing myself to do backgrounds and the like.

There will be 18 pages finished with this one and 21 to go for "Runaways" to be finished. If I keep up the one a month I'll be finished with it before I graduate. Kind of exciting! Of course, there's still several other parts to finish. Chapter three is probably halfway done being written, and there's at least three more chapters ontop of that. I'm actually rather proud of my little project and what I've accomplished with it thusfar. It's been six years since the initial idea and I've managed to stick with it. It has changed and evolved so much since it's inception, but it's been a fun ride, and hopefully will continue to be. It may not have a wide base of readers (less than a dozen, I'm sure), but I'm still proud of it.

Time to go work some horses, it's cooled off a little by now (hopefully).

shifting times, comic, kashian

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