
Jul 11, 2007 14:47

Somewhat in how I've been feeling about art lately. I love it, I love creating it, but I'm discouraged by the fact that I can't seem to sell it. Be it commissions or already finished work, it's stagnant, not even that, it's non-existant. I am often happiest making art when it is for other people, be it a gift, a trade, or even an assignment at school. I challenge myself more, I push myself. Having a deadline is all the better as it forces me to sit down and really work at it.

Patience, come what may.

I need to market myself, get my name out there, but at the same time I can't afford to dump a lot of time on-line as I have other commitments, such as my horses, my husband, and the fact that I don't want to sit in front of the computer screen for hours on end.

It'll work out.


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