The Trip con't

Apr 18, 2007 10:12

So around 1.30 or so we headed over to highwaypoetry's place before running off to the Elephant Bar and had a rather deliscious lunch. I must admit, though, the amount of cheese they managed to place ontop of my onion soup was a bit obscene. I almost needed a knife to cut through the stuff and since it was stringy ... well, we'll just say it took a bit to get through. The soup and sandwitch were quite good though and, of course, the company was fantastic.

I marvel at people who are exceptionally good at design. Being able to create profound images with minimal line and form is a challenge, even though the good ones make it look so easy. Hats off to you design-oriented people.

This morning I spent my time on the bus trying to figure out how I was going to organize my panels at Leprecon. I plan on going in on Friday to get a couple things framed and hopefully pick up matts. It seems that I have some space left, but I didn't include the size of matts and frames in with my calculations, so I might have less room than calculated, but being as there are large gaps in my layout for the second panel, that shouldn't be a problem. I also need to consider where in the world the bid sheets are supposed to go and look up that related information.

Ah yes, and then there's school. I need to finish the movie poster plus tutorial for my Art Ed class that is no longer MIA. I also need to sit my butt down and re-do the art history/art in-context section because I suck and did a horrendous job on it the first time due to my wonderful powers of procrastination. Thank heavens that she allows for re-dos or else I would have been quite crippled for the final project.

I need to put together the stuff for my other Art Ed class this weekend, primarily the steps/timeline portion about how long the unit should take. That shouldn't be too hard, but I also need to get a rubrict together and I really feel like I'm repeating myself taking these two classes at the same time, I'm just doing different subjects.

My art classes are going quite well and I should have my last project for Color done shortly. Ah, before I forget, we had an awesome Print demo on Monday and we got to make shirts with woodblock prints. Quite amazing, if you ask me. The shirts were free so long as we did the printing ourselves. It has peaked my interest and I might have to look into printmaking some day. At the moment I'm trying to focus and get this degree done, but afterwards doing some exploratory printing and possibly taking a class or two might not be a bad idea. Expanding knowledge is good!

Speaking of my Color class, I sure hope we get some of our pieces back soon. Two of them are the ones I want to submit to Leprecon and the pastel piece needs to be framed ...

And jumping back! After lunch Saturday we headed to Oma and Opa's and had dinner with them and also visited two of my aunts and several cousins with attached spouses and children. Jenny was quite grateful for some computer help and I was quite confused as to how files were organized on her computer, but we did get her started on backing up her files at least.

Sunday consisted of driving home with a brief side-stop to visit G-ma and G-pa (dad's side). They've always been "old," but it is painful to see them this way. G-ma is using a walker now and G-pa seems slower and confused. It's heartbreaking, really. I know G-pa is now in his 90s and G-ma is not far behind, but it still hurts to see loved ones like that. All I ask is that when I reach old age, I stay healthy and active like Oma and Opa and fade rapidly, not the slow, prolonged fits and starts that some experience.

To school!

school, art, family, travel, conventions

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