The trip

Apr 17, 2007 10:21

Thursday started off as normal, protest getting up, finally get up, go feed horses, and laze about while attempting to get something halfway constructive done. My Thursday evening lesson was bumped up to Thursday morning so I could still do it. Lesson, and then off to school. Marty picked me up and dropped me off at the bus stop and then I proceeded to make my way to class.

We were supposed to have a guest speaker Thursday in my Art Ed class. We waited ... and waited ... and the guest speaker never showed up. People signed a paper, which we slipped under her office door and we left. Well, some of us stayed around and chattered until shortly before class was officially over. Met up with Chris and we were off!

The drive out was uneventful as far as the vehicle was concerned, but the weather was something else! It alternated between rain and dust, and sometimes both at once, resulting in sludge on the windshield that was quite disgusting. We arrived safely at our destination and checked into the motel. We were slightly disgruntled at the fact that we found the "Shuttle with a nominal fee" was actually $30.00 one way for up to 6 people. This after Chris had called before we left and the operator saying that it was only $2.50. Turns out the $2.50 was the city bus. It turned out to be cheaper just to drive to the park, so we did.

We hit a few rides and roamed about before calling it quits, attempting to find dinner, and finally crashing around 11.00 or so. Woke the next morning and attacked the park again, hitting a couple of rides again and roving the whole park. We also nosed about the California Adventure park and went on the "Soaring over California" ride, which was quite awesome. It had pine tree smell.

I rather enjoyed the Indiana Jones' ride. The last time I was at Disneyland they were putting it in (which probably tells you how long it's been...).

Saturday we got into the park a little early, but were a bit bummed to realize that not all of the park was open. Being as it was Saturday we didn't go on many rides, but did spend some time nosing about and looking for souvenirs.

And apparently I'll write more later as class is about to begin! *Runs off.*

disneyland, travel

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