Well look at that ...

Apr 19, 2007 06:47

You mean that the human body benefits from doing what it is built to do? Amazing!

Apparently research now shows that women who breastfeed are less likely to develop breast cancer later in life regaurdless of ethnicity, how early or late their first child is born, etc.

NPR has a story running on it, and it's quite interesting.

I think people run into many health problems due to lack of respect for and improper treatment of their own body. People often fail to realize the body has limitations and others prefer to ignore warnings of danger. I myself am far from perfect. I need to take better care of my body, get back into shape again.

I can't wait until school is over and I can begin riding regularly once again. I also need to do more groundwork, specifically ground driving.

And time to dig myself into more school work once again ... after breakfast


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