Mehr Musik, bitte

Jan 21, 2023 06:57

Peter Schilling released a new music video yesterday. He also did a little live video beforehand, answering questions from fans and talking about the work on his new album and the next tour.

I'm not much of a concert go-er, it's been 19 years since I went to my last one, but Schilling is one I would definitely wish to see live. Him, Nena, and Sister Hazel.

image Click to view

Just something about this man and his music makes me giddy. It might be that the origins of my listening to him are rooted in my teenage years, but also in his few videos I've seen where he's just talking, he seems like such a nice guy and passionate about what he does.

In other news my right hand is unhappy with me. Draego accidentally got my middle finger in his incisors. I was able to extract it, but it was bruised and scraped (didn't bleed much, thankfully), and still hurts to be pressed on. My thumb managed to get a crack on the lateral side just where the nail meets the skin and the pointer finger has a scuff and possible slight infection by the cuticle. As someone who uses their hands a lot an often in strenuous situations, this is highly inconvenient.

I started the second art class on Tuesday. There seems to be demand for a third, but I have to negotiate with my schedule to even think about it. I had another person message me about possible virtual classes.

My next training horse comes in Feburary 1st, the Clyde mare ended up falling through due to unexpected finacial issues on her owners' end.

I have three at home today and three away. I should drop by the grocery store. I'm out of smoothie ingredients and I should snag some deli meat and cheese for sandwiches.

I have to review and get an outline for the lesson I'm teaching/discussion I'm guiding in church tomorrow. Why did I say yes?

music, church, training, work, music: peter schilling, art lessons

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