Zeichnen von den letzen Tage

Jan 01, 2022 16:52

I did a lot more art this year than I have previously, which feels great. I have a sketchbook that has less than 20 pages in it now and it's taken not quite three years to finish. My last one I think I started in college, which is sad. Hopefully I can start moving through them a bit more. The best I ever managed was three months in high school. College I usually had multiple sketchbooks going for individual classes so it went a little slower.

These are (some of) the sketches from the last two months. Close to a quarter of them are from last night, actually once I finished the watercolor. Click for larger version, this is like 1/4 size of the full thing.

I do admit one of the reasons I like having a subscription to National Geographic is so that I can draw from the awesome photographs.

Nice scan of the watercolor from yesterday. turned out none too shabby if I do say so myself. We'll see how long it takes me to actually produce a full-sized page, ha!

I'll do my annual goal post next I think.


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