Tschüss 2021!

Jan 01, 2022 20:34

The usual review of past resolutions and the new set.

Design my Christmas card and get it made I did more charitable giving this year and ended up with A LOT of free Christmas cards so I decided to use those instead.
Thumbnail Shifting Times chapter one I didn't so the whole thing, but I fussed with a few pages, not bad.
Do some test panels for Shifting Times At the 11th hour I did the thumbnail painting yesterday for the first two pages.

Add 10 pages to Bitless Bridle book I didn't record what I had previously so I have no idea if I added 10 pages or not...
I did awesome this year, but conservatively I'd like to add 20 pages to Forged by Fire Crushed it, added 48 pages to Fire Forged Key alone (even with culling close to a dozen pages of content)
Go over Shifting Times script Check, printed out fresh copy too and promptly started scrawling over it as well.

Jasper and Talon pulling a vehicle as a team We did in March and then Talon kicked her leg over the tongue on the forecart. She did a month training with Hayden H. and did a lot of work as a team in a noisy rickety wagon so... yes?
Jasper driving single He pulls the sled single, didn't quite make it in the cart pulling other than the one time with Talon
Talon driving single Yes!
Tru-D driving single?!?! ... No.
Zeke pulling tires Yes!
Tru-D, Talon, and Jasper starting to do lessons somewhat regularly. I don't know why I had Jasper on there because I don't use them for lessons until they are five, but besides the point, Tristan rode Jasper in some lessons, Megan has been awesome putting rides on him, and Tru-D and Talon are in regular rotation, Tru-D earned about $1100 this year.

ARIA Level III if they have a testing center after June Didn't do, but learned they have virtual testing now!
Get signs up Check!
Read through CAA manual(s) I touched them a couple times...
Do bookkeeping WEEKLY Haaaaa ... I was so bad at this, but I am currently caught up!

Stay on top of "Come, Follow Me" I at least listened to the lessons and attached scriptures most every week.
Start reading D&C in German Read some of it, so I guess that counts.
Read a couple chapters of the Qur'an Failed this one.

Self/Life in General
Finish Quentan's blanket Getting there, but not yet finished.
Exercise consistently (3x a week?) Pilates and/or Yoga maybe. Let's face it, my job is exercise. I started throwing in random little things, stretching, push-ups etc. I started being able to do six in a row, I can currently do 11, success!)
Do monthly goals to keep better track, small bite-size goals make the big ones more likely! I did it a little bit, not as much as I could have.
Less Facebook, try to keep it under 45 minutes a day, less is better. I set a 30 minute timer. I averaged 46 minutes this last week so not terrible.
Try to use German (reading, writing, etc.) Yes!
Leave boys notes in Russian. Fail, I maintain intentions though.

More sketching
Finish thumbnailing Shifting Times chapter one
Do more test panels for Shifting Times, play with styles, experiment
Finish the Fjord portraits for Wendy

Add 10 pages to Bitless Bridle book
Add 20 pages to Fire Forged Key
Add 10 pages to Depths of the Forge
Get script done for Chapter 5 of Shifting Times

Driving Talon regularly single
Jasper driving single
Tru-D driving work
Zeke driving single
Zeke riding
Jasper doing lessons
Talon regularly in lessons

Start getting videos etc. together to do ARIA Level III testing
Read through CAA manual(s) and schedule with Trish D to do testing
Do bookkeeping WEEKLY (I try again!)

Stay on top of "Come, Follow Me"
Break out and read my German Bible
Read a couple chapters of the Qur'an

Self/Life in General
Finish Quentan's blanket
MEAL PLANNING! Three meals a week would be awesome.
Do monthly goals to keep better track, small bite-size goals make the big ones more likely!
Less Facebook, try to keep it under 30 minutes a day, less is better, none on Sunday.
Try to use German (reading, writing, etc.)
Use Russian outside of Duolingo lessons
Leave boys notes in Russian.
Use Duolingo 365 days in 2022 to work on language skills

Goals for January:
Drive Talon
Start a Fjord portrait (finish better, but at least start)
Fill up current sketchbook
Work Zeke 4 times
Work Jasper on driving
Finish the black yarn on Quentan's blanket

Adding in some fun statistics:

I wrote down the page numbers and word counts for my catch-all FBF document, FFK, and DotF last year. I started a document for HotF to free up the FBF catch-all some.

Jan 2021: Forged by Fire catch-all 22 pages, 11,434 words
Jan 2022: FBF 54 pages, 28,811 words
Added 32 pages and 17,377 words
Jan 2021: Fire Forged Key 93 pages, 52,726 words
Jan 2022: FFK 141 pages, 79,926 words
Added 46 pages and 27,200 words (cracks me up I'm even on the 100)
Jan 2021: Depths of the Forge 46 pages, 24,715 words
Jan 2022: DotF 65 pages, 35,699 words
Added 19 pages and 10,984 words
Jan 2022: Heat of the Flame (title might change) 9 pages, 4,695 words, the document didn't exist last year so it's all new.

Grand total for the FBF series: 108 new pages and 60,256 words, which is over 5000 words a month, averaging more than nine pages, which just boggles my mind. I don't know where I managed to eek out the time.

writing, resolution, goals: monthly

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