Könnte meine Träume mehr unheimlich sein? Ich denke, ja.

Dec 29, 2021 09:59

Multiple dreams again, the main one being a man ending up in some sort of parallel universe at about mid-1800s technology, but not really. He ended up among the servants of some sort of baron or lord and was trying to figure out how to return. Two of the servants had sympathy for him, but also wanted to put him in a position to usurp their master.

They presented him with a flintlock pistol, a beautiful piece of mahogany and brass. The traveler cocked the gun and fired it at a picnic setting, but instead of firing bullets it fired impossibly tiny men. As the gun fired the dream zoomed in on the flight of this tiny person as his arms flailed and he tumbled into a napkin.

One of the servants, he had a round face and was built broad, short, and powerful with curly blonde hair took the gun from the traveler and told him he was doing it all wrong. He reloaded the pistol and fired, the second tiny man flew through the air, but instead of tumbling gracelessly into a napkin by some strange magic the tiny person folded up the napkin neatly in flight and he and his companion who had been previously fired sat proudly on top of it. The traveler was both dumbfounded and impressed.

Don't ask me, I just dream these things.

Second major dream cenetered around a pair of artists attemping to get funding for their next project or attempting to get a passing grade for their newest project, perhaps both. The young woman of the pair was passively watching as the young man suddenly appeared on the morning of their assessment with a gaggle of others dressed in these elaborate knitted costumes, something like thick, hooded sweaters with wide bands of white and color, mostly chevron-shaped.

There was dancing and the young man and his compatriots were able to combine with each other and their knitted costumes to form a giant horse that the young man rode on and they re-assembled and disassembled and danced and it was all very elaborate and impressive. The assessor seemed to be impressed and the young woman appeared slightly bored and annoyed with her partners shenanigans, as if they could be doing something much more impressive with their skills. Perhaps she was more into installation works and he preferred performance.


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