Ich habe der Zorn und bin ausgeführt

Sep 09, 2021 18:55

This morning started with a ride hauling out with Lisa and her horse Ben. I took Tru-D along since Talon went out yesterday. She did really well. There were a couple spots she needed Ben to act the part of the sacrificial gelding to be sure it was safe. She's always had a thing about going down inclines, but by the end she did quite well with the steep one dropping back into the wash.

She handled the underpasses for the road a lot better than I expected. There were quite a few people out and all but one were good and courteous. At the second underpass the horses were being slightly balky because there was still some dirt and dampness on the path from last week's rain. A bike comes up behind us and I called out to give us a second and slow down. What does he do? He ZIPS RIGHT BETWEEN THE TWO HORSES!. We weren't even four feet apart, I swear and he pelts by at 15 or more miles per hour right between us.

I yelled after him something along the lines of "That's a good way to get kicked!"

So pissed off. I'm very grateful that both horses were completely unphased by his idiocy.

We went another mile or so after that before turning around. Did a little trotting along the burm above the wash before dropping back down in for a while before the horses started feeling like they were running out of steam in the deeper footing so we took the hard path again. We were in the last half mile from the parking lot and guess who shows up again?

He is coming up behind, I call for him to slow down so we could, you know, get OUT of his way, right? Nope, I barely had time to slide my leg back and get a half step sideways out of Tru-D and he is blazing by again.

I yelled at him he needed to slow down/can't pass that close, probably called him an idiot. He yelled back "If you don't want to share the trail get off of the F*N path." I yelled back "I just don't want to aee you dead, idiot!"

UUUUUGGGGG! Had he, heaven forbid, slowed down, I would have HAPPILY gotten out of the way and so would have Lisa. He gave us no warning, I only saw him coming because I glanced back.

I'm trying not to let the interactions ruin the ride and I don't get pissed off at much, hate conflict, and don't yell at people, but there was a part of me that wanted to chase him down. He's going to get someone killed doing that and he fails to realize that it could very well be HIM.

In much more pleasant news my new clippers came in yesterday. I christened them today on Chewy. It took me about 40 minutes of active clipping to do her whole body.

She had over 1/2" of coat on her, maybe 3/4 and it hit 111°F which is terrible. Hopefully she'a not panting first thing in the morning as she was today. I think she enjoyed her bath and shave this afternoon. Especially since it consisted of hanging in the shade and food.

I ended up going for the Lister Fusions and am super pleased. My only complaint is the adjuster switch might be a little too easy to hit, but I also was wanting to hold it right over the switch so user error most likely.

I'm going to do a neck/chest maybe pseudo trace clip on Cadbury tomorrow. He's also looking like a rug and it-s just too hot for that. He's staying an extra two weeks so he'll be in work and sweating.

Oh, and a final note, finally took my rings in to get resized. I knew after having Quentan that my knuckles got a bit bigger. I had to remove my ringa the last month with all three boys, but after Quentan I knew it was tighter. A month or so ago I got a bug bite on my left ring finger and that really made it irritated and I couldn't wear my wedding ring on the correct finger. I actually weigh less than I did after having Quentan now, but my knuckles don't care.

So I went in to the jeweler who fixed my stone earlier this year and figures I might as well have my CTR ring resized too. I don't like rings on my pinky and the CTR ring only fits there now. I've had this ring since 1997 and it started out fitting my pointer finger.

My fingers feel a bit naked without either one. It'll be about a week before they're done.

horses: tru-d, horses, chewy, trailride, horses: ben

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