Tränen wie Regen

Sep 09, 2021 11:43

Oh, gosh, they're replaying things on NPR with the lead-up to the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and it's getting to me terribly. Tearing up and everything.

I was just shy of turning 16, my Junior year in High School. I woke up that morning, listening to the radio as I got ready, hearing an off-hand mention of airplanes. I get to class, a A-hour (0 period? it was an hour before regular classes, 7am), Trigonometry, and everyone's talking, the TV is on. One of my classmates has a father that was on a plane to New York. We didn't know anything. My German teacher refused to turn on the TV in class. The rest of classes it was omnipresent.

I had this journal during that time. I posted six times throughout the day.

It's just particularly heavy right now.


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