Chroi lernt

Aug 04, 2018 17:28

For quick reference here's the entry with the first videos of Chroi.

Since I have a working GoPro and headband attachment I've been doing a lot of video of Chroi's work, which makes her owner happy, and keeps my FaceBook business page full of content (even if it looks like I only work with one horse...).

Because of all the work I put in her last year Chroi has progressed pretty quickly.

She hasn't been hooked yet, but she has been in the cart standing and trustworthy enough to get a picture.

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I did a little double-dipping with Tru-D

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The 24th had a lot going on so it was split into three parts. I had a hard time cutting it down as I don't like posting long videos, but it seemed like it was all important and potentially interesting. I'll get better at cutting the fat and not feel like I'm cheating people or people thinking I'm trying to hide things. I also was in Instructor Mode so I blather on.

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Part two

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Part three

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This was a physical work day rather than a mental work day. A little bit of mental work, as this was her second time (this year) working at the property, but doing something she is comfortable with unlike the pole work.

The first was another thinky day with some new stuff so multiple parts again.

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Long lining with a pole! Progress! This was the worst of her with the pole. I sent the videos to Hana and she gave some pretty funny commentary as she watched them. If it weren't a two hour drive with three kids under 5 she'd be here watching every day I'm sure.

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And working the other side.

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I can't believe her curbchain popped out of the slot. Looking back at the video I'm pretty sure the chain swinging was what caused the head twitching in this last one.

Today I progressed to long lining with the pole right away. The left side is still a little worrisome for her, but she did pretty well. I then threw on the full false shafts and led her around the arena in both directions. She actually did really well. She had a small worry when the ends popped apart the first time (I need to figure out a way to secure them that can be undone), but was good for the two times after. I didn't trust her enough to stand while I popped it back together so she got tied to the fence while I did it.

Fingers crossed she longlines well in them this week and I can hook her Saturday when Hana comes up to see our progress (and to visit family too).

horses: video, horse driving, horse training, horses: chroi

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