Pferde fahren

Jul 16, 2018 21:24

Some videos of Chroi's work thusfar. The first one is day one with the PVC pipe in order to have a good comparison. She's fairly wiggly to start.

image Click to view

So far so good on Chroi's foot.
Kevin came out today and trimmed her as well as testing her hoof with no reaction so no more soaking and a close call to learn from (clean your horse's feet before sending them off on a long trip!).

Other than being wiggly for the PVC pipe, Chroi has pretty much remembered everything. I am working her straight up in the closed bridle rather than doing everything open first and have moved right along in work. Today I rolled her cart around her and also threw on the rope traces before hooking to the tire. She was a little uncertain about me holding the traces and me dragging the tire at the same time, but pulled the tire well once it was connected.

image Click to view

The game plan moving forward consists of dragging the tire for at least a week. Nice and solid walk, trot, and direction changes, preferably a couple sessions across the way too. A solid week in the false shafts to be sure she is okay with them once dragging them around her is no big deal. I then reintroduce the cart and (hopefully) away we go.

In there I will also review yielding to lateral pressure, specifically yielding to the type of pressure the shafts will apply, pivot turns, and breeching pressure. It won't be a week of tire work only, it will all progress in around the same timeframe, ideally with some tire work and playing with the shafts and cart and soforth. I'm hoping I can get a dozen or so drives in before she goes home, but you tske the time it needs to take!

Raimey is making good progress. We took him around the farm fields. We dealt with some jigging, but no spinning or other grumpiness. I look forward to his head staying in the above position rather than curling to his chest. He has some severe disconnect between the bit and his feet due to years of poor riding as a rope horse abd being taught to give his nose without ever connecting it to his feet. The good news is his owner is now comfortable enough to take him out on his own again! We will eventually tackle the emu, but we want a lot of good experiences in (relatively) safe places before we push that button!

horses: video, horses: raimos, horses: pictures, horses: chroi

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