Das war lang

Jul 28, 2018 21:08

I didn't leave until after 11am this morning with Aaleyah. Kevin was able to come out and trim her feet (they looked like they hadn't been done in two months or so) and I got her mane trimmed up. That isn't why I didn't get out earlier. I lingered a bit with the boys before hooking up and heading out.

The drive was uneventful until the final leg when the Google Maps told me to take a road that wasn't open yet. I decided to back track and come in another way, took a wrong turn, had to turn around. Then I came to a gate, it was locked. Fate smiled upon me and a mail(wo)man showed up just as I was trying to make a 3 point turn at a Y and she was able to spot me and move a boulder out of the way, which took significantly less time than it would have otherwise (two tries!). I thanked her profusely and said a little prayer of thanks as she pulled off to finish her run.

I headed back down the nasty, washboardy road and hit the highway again. I then called Lisa and got the directio s that didn't send me through a locked gate and arrived, yay!

Aaleyah trotted off in her "new" digs with two donkey companions. I'm sure she enjoyed the space!

It took me an extra hour or so to get there with my little detours! I borrowed the bathroom and headed back home much quicker than I came!

horses, travel

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